Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

C-Card Scheme Available

Free condom scheme for young people ages 13 – 24.

Newsletter 2023

October 2023 December 2023

MISSION STATEMENT We are committed to providing a high standard of healthcare in a friendly, happy and healthy environment. We […]

Thursday Afternoon

Update on Thursday afternoons As you are aware, The  Alice Medical Centre has a clinic on a Thursday afternoon currently. […]

MMR and Measles

Since the introduction of the measles vaccine in 1968 it is estimated that 20 million measles cases and 4,500 deaths […]

NHS 75th Birthday Colouring Competition

In celebration of the NHS’ 75th Birthday, we had a colouring competition. We had 3 age groups; And the winners […]

Extended Hours

Extended Hours we are now holding weekly appointment on a Thursday with a GP or a Nurse from 7.00 am […]