Flu Clinic

We are holding a drop in / appointment clinic on Saturday 17th September at the surgery for patients to have their flu vaccination this year.

Please either ring the surgery on 0115 9857944 to book in or just turn up between 9:30 am -1:30 pm on the day.

Bowel Screening Fit Programme

In 2019, Faecal Immunochemical testing (FIT) will replace the Faecal Occult blood testing in the NHS Bowel screening cancer in England.

The programme is for anyone 60-74 year olds in England.

Bowel cancer screening rates are currently at 59% and even lower in deprived areas.

FIT is better as it requires only 1 faecal sample making the test much easier.

What can you do as a patient please click on the link for a short animation below.

or call Bowel Screening Cancer Centre on 08007076060.

Minor Surgery

The practice offers a minor surgery service.  You will need to make an appointment with a doctor first to discuss your condition and the doctor will then decide if this is suitable for treatment at the surgery.

If suitable, you will be put on our waiting list for a further appointment in a minor surgery clinic.  At the present time ONLY DR T ATIOMO DOES minor surgery clinics to which any of the locum GP’s can refer which are usually on a Wednesday afternoon.

For all Minor Surgery appointments, please can you arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment to complete the pre-surgery paperwork.

We do also offer Minor Surgery procedures to patients not registered at our practice, please see your own GP who will then send the referral to our surgery and the Health Care Assistant will put you on our waiting list and contact you either by phone or letter to book an appointment.

Learning Disabilities

People with learning disabilities often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This doesn’t need to be the case.

The Annual Health Check scheme is for adults with learning disabilities who need more health support and who may otherwise have health conditions that go undetected.

Who will get an Annual Health Check?

People aged 14 and over who have been assessed as having moderate, severe or profound learning disabilities, or people with a mild learning disability who have other complex health needs, are entitled to a free annual health check.

What are the benefits of an Annual Health Check?

People with learning disabilities often have difficulty in recognising illness, communicating their needs and using health services. Research shows that regular health checks for people with learning disabilities often uncover treatable health conditions. Most of these are simple to treat and make the person feel better, while sometimes serious illnesses such as cancer are found at an early stage when they can be treated.

The Annual Health Check is also a chance for the person to get used to going to their GP practice, which reduces their fear of going at other times.

How long does an Annual Health Check take?

The health check can take up to one hour, although it can be much quicker depending on:

  • How often the person normally visits their doctor
  • Their overall health and wellbeing
  • Their lifestyle (for example, whether they drink alcohol or smoke) How much of the consultation they decide to consent to

How do you get an Annual Health Check?

Adults with learning disabilities who are known to their local authority social services, and who are registered with a GP who knows their medical history, should be invited by their GP practice to come for an Annual Health Check.

What happens at an Annual Health Check?

The Annual Health Check lets the person with learning disabilities go to their GP practice and have aspects of their health checked, it also allows them to talk about anything that is worrying them.

During the health check, the GP or practice nurse will carry out the following for the patient:

  • a general physical examination, including checking their weight, heart rate, blood pressure and taking blood and urine samples
  • assessing the patient’s behaviour, including asking questions about their lifestyle, and mental health
  • a check for epilepsy
  • a check on any prescribed medicines the patient is currently taking
  • a check on whether any chronic illnesses, such as asthma or diabetes, are being well managed
  • a review of any arrangements with other health professionals, such as physiotherapists or speech therapists

If the person’s learning disability has a specific cause, the GP or practice nurse will often do extra tests for particular health risks. For example, for people with Down syndrome they may do a test to see whether their thyroid is working properly.

The Annual Health Check may also be a good opportunity to review any transitional arrangements that took place when the patient turned 18.

The GP or practice nurse will also provide the patient with any relevant health information, such as advice on healthy eating, exercise, contraception or stop-smoking support.

How will the Annual Health Check be tailored to the patient’s needs?

People with learning disabilities have lots of different needs. Sometimes these are written down in a health profile or health action plan that the GP or nurse can refer to. Putting “reasonable adjustments” in place can help people to have a successful health check. Reasonable adjustments mean changing services so they are easier to use.

These adjustments can include:

  • using pictures, large print, and straightforward language to help explain what is happening
  • booking longer appointments
  • scheduling an appointment that starts at the beginning or end of the day so people don’t have to wait

Is it compulsory to have an Annual Health Check?

No. All parts of the health check are voluntary. Anyone who is having the health check, or their carer, can ask the GP or practice nurse for more information about the process. The patient can then give their consent before any tests or procedures are carried out.

Established Patients – Health Check

Patients over 75 years of age will be offered a yearly check up at the practice. If they are unable to attend the surgery we can make arrangements for them to have this in their own home.

Practice Nurses

We have one practice nurse. We do not hold specific clinics, but you can make appointments for:

  • Health Promotion clinics in asthma, diabetes, chronic heart disease, weight, blood pressure and well person checks.
  • Cervical cancer smears
  • Childhood immunisations
  • Immunisations / travel advice
  • Blood tests
  • Removal of stitches
  • Dressings
  • Ear syringing
  • Contraception
  • Over 75 check
  • HPV injections
  • Triage Advise
  • C-Card Scheme
  • Minor Ilness

Please note that because of the many different types of nurse clinics and appointment lengths, the facility to book nurse appointments online is unavailable.

Health Care Assistants

Appointments can be made for the following with our HCA.

New patient Checks

Flu immunisations

Pneumonia Vaccinations

B12 Injections

Phlebotomy (bloods)


Suture/ clip removal

Weight management

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Depo Provera Contraceptive Injections (after the first 3 with the Practice Nurse)

NHS Health Check results